燒 焗 冰 梅 羊 扒

燒 焗 冰 梅 羊 扒

材 料 : 羊 架 1 排
醃 料 :
冰 梅 醬 4 湯 匙
法 式 芥 末 1 茶 匙
蠔 油 2 茶 匙
橄 欖 油 2 湯 匙
薑 汁 酒 2 茶 匙
掃 汁 :
濃 縮 熱 情 果 汁 4 湯 匙
法 式 芥 末 1 茶 匙
檸 檬 汁 2 茶 匙

做 法 :
1. 羊 架 洗 淨 , 每 兩 枝 骨 切 開 , 醃 料 拌 勻 混 合 羊 扒 醃 1 小 時 。 醃 料 留 用 。
2. 如 有 炭 爐 可 直 接 燒 烤 , 間 中 掃 上 掃 汁 , 每 面 3-4 分 鐘 至 金 黃 及 適 合 的 生 熟。 或 可 用 首 先 每 面 煎 封 後 置 已 預 熱 220 度 焗 爐 烘 烤 10-15 分 鐘 , 間 中 掃 上 掃 汁 。
3. 醃 料 另 外 加 水 2 湯 匙 , 煮 滾 後 可 作 伴 汁 享 用 。

Posted in Meat | 燒 焗 冰 梅 羊 扒 已關閉迴響。

Golden Parmesan Chicken

Golden Parmesan Chicken
(Appetizers, starters & first courses P. 148)

Served cold with the garlicky mayonnaise these morsels of chicken make a great appetizer, especially of served informally as finger food.

Serves 4

4 chicken breast fillets, skinned
75g cups fresh white breadcrumbs
40g Parmesan cheese, finely grated
30ml chopped fresh parsley
2 eggs, beaten
120ml good-quality mayonnaise
120ml fromage frais
1-2 garlic cloves, crushed
50g butter, melted
salt and ground black pepper

1. Cut each fillet into four or five chunks. Mix together the breadcrumbs, Parmesan, parsley and seasoning in a shallow dish.

2. Dip the chicken pieces in the egg, then into the breadcrumb mixture. Place in a single layer on a baking sheet; chill for 30 mins.

3. Meanwhile, to make the garlic mayonnaise, mix together the mayonnaise, fromage frais and garlic, and season to taste with ground black pepper. Spoon the mayonnaise into a small serving bowl. Chill until required.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degree C. Drizzle the melted butter over the chicken pieces and cook them for about 20 mins, until crisp and golden. Serve the chicken immediately accompanied by the garlic mayonnaise for dipping.

Posted in Chicken | Golden Parmesan Chicken 已關閉迴響。

麵包粉烤茄子 (附圖)

麵包粉烤茄子 (麵食新主張 P. 64)

Cook: 15 mins

茄子 4個
蒜泥 2小匙
乳酪粉 2大匙
麵包粉 1杯
奶油 8大匙
橄欖油 2大匙
鹽、胡椒 各少許\
荷蘭芹末 適量

1. 大缽中放入奶油在室中回軟,加入麵包粉、蒜泥、乳酪粉拌勻,撒上鹽、胡椒。
2. 茄子去蒂,直切成1cm寬,排在烤箱的烤盤上,均勻塗上乳酪風味麵包粉。
3. 全體灑上橄欖油,在烤麵包機中烤15 mins,烤到麵包粉焦黃、茄子柔軟為止。盛盤,撒上荷蘭芹末。如果一次烤不完,可以分幾次以相同的方式烤。

Posted in Vegetable | 麵包粉烤茄子 (附圖) 已關閉迴響。

Crab and Seafood Cioppino

Recipe courtesy Jim Sancimino
Yield: 6 Servings

1/4 cup olive oil
2 cups chopped yellow onion
3 tablespoons finely chopped garlic
3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh basil leaves
3 tablespoons finely chopped ltalian flat-leaf parsley
1 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano leaves
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme leaves
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon dry red pepper, optional
1 (28-ounce) can ltalian tomatoes
1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
2 quarts fish stock
1 1/2 cups dry white wine
2 large raw Dungeness crabs, cracked
2 pounds clams and/or mussels
1 pound raw prawns (shell optional)
1 pound raw scallops
1 to 1 1/2 cubed fish fillets (rock cod, halibut, snapper, etc.)

In a large stockpot over heat, add olive oil and slowly cook onions and garlic until soft and translucent, about 10 minutes. Add the basil, parsley, oregano, thyme and black pepper. Season with salt. Add dry red pepper, it desired. Add canned tomatoes and tomato sauce and bring to a boil. Add stock and wine and reduce heat to a simmer.

About 15 to 20 minutes before serving, start to add seafood. Add the crabs as they will take about 15 to 18 minutes to cook. About 3 to 5 minutes after the crabs are added, add the clams and/or mussels. About 10 minutes later, add the prawns. After 2 minutes, add the scallops and fish fillets and cook for 3 minutes, or until the clams and/or mussels open. Discard andy unopened shellfish.

Serve in bowls with bread.

Posted in Seafood | Crab and Seafood Cioppino 已關閉迴響。

蕃茄忌廉湯 (附圖)


材料 (4人份量)﹕
50g 牛油
700g 蕃茄 (最好成熟的,先切碎)
850ml Vegetable Stock(雜菜高湯)
150ml 淡忌廉
50g Ground Almonds(杏仁碎)
1茶匙 糖
2茶匙 Basil Leaves (剪碎)
適量 鹽及胡椒粉

Vegetable Stock(雜菜高湯):
1個 蕃茄
半個 薯仔
半條 紅蘿蔔
半個 椰菜 (可用白菜或其他)
1條 西芹
1片 香葉
半個 洋蔥
半個 蒜頭
適量 橄欖油、鹽
1500ml 水

Vegetable Stock(雜菜高湯)做法:
1. 將所有材料切碎
2. 橄欖油炒香洋蔥和蒜頭
3. 將所有材料(包括洋蔥和蒜頭)放於水煮沸
4. 煮沸後,較慢火煮約1小時
5. 離火前加盬
6. 隔去湯渣備用

1. 將牛油溶於鍋內
2. 將已切碎的蕃茄注入鍋內煮至皺皮(約5分鐘),加鹽及胡椒粉
3. 將850ml Vegetable Stock注入鍋中煮沸約10分鐘
4. 等待期間,將Ground Almonds炒至金黃色(約1-2分鐘)備用
5. 湯煮10分鐘後熄火,放進食物整理器攪碎 (或可用薯仔搗碎器壓碎)
6. 將湯倒過隔,隔去蕃茄皮及核
7. 再將湯煮沸,加入淡忌廉、Ground Almonds和糖
8. 煮沸後可離火
9. 飲用前加上Basil Leaves

1. 如不想費時煮Vegetable Stock,可買現成
2. Vegetable Stock的材料及份量只作參考,大家可隨意加減

Posted in Soup | 蕃茄忌廉湯 (附圖) 已關閉迴響。

Clams and Mussels

Clams and Mussels (Step-by-Step P. 93)

Cleaning mussels and clams is very simple and straightforward; once prepared, they take only minutes to cook. Hard-shell clams come in various sizes; medium-size cherrstones and smaller littlenecks are more tender than larger chowder clams and soft-shell steamers. Both cherrystones and littlenecks can be eaten raw on the half shell, and are also good in cooked dishes – from stuffed clams to richly flavored pasta sauces. The briny liquid they release adds wonderful flavor but varies in saltiness – taste after cooking and season accordingly.

Stuffed Clams
Prep: 20 mins
Bake: 15 mins
Makes 4 appetizer servings

1 dozen littleneck or cherrystone clams
2 slices white bread, torn
2 slices bacon, finely chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 small garlic clove, minced
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

1. With stiff brush, scrub clams under cold running water. Shuck clams and release meat from bottom shells.

2. Preheat oven to 400 degree F. Place clams in bottom shells in small baking dish or jelly-roll pan. Refrigerate clams until ready to bake.

3. In food processor with knife blade attached or in blender, process bread to fine crumbs. Spread crumbs on cookie sheet and bake 5 mins, or until golden. In nonstick 10-inch skillet, cook bacon over medium-low heat until browned. With slotted spoon, transfer bacon to paper towels to drain. Discard drippings from skillet.

4. Add oil to skillet; add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, 3 mins, or until tender. Add garlic and pepper; cook 30 seconds. Remove from heat; stir in parsley,, crumbs, and bacon.

5. Spoon crumb mixture evenly over clams in baking dish. Bake about 10 mins, until topping is lightly golden and clams are just cooked through.

Clam Glossary
Littlenecks – These small hard-shells (under 2 inches in diameter) are sweet and tender; try them in pasta, soup, or simply steamed.
Cherrystones – Medium-sized hard-shells that are prepared like littlenecks; perfect for stuffing.
Manila – A Pacific clam that tastes best when under 1 inch across.
Geoducks – From the Pacific Northwest, this giant clam has an oval shell and long siphon’ used in soups.

Posted in Seafood | Clams and Mussels 已關閉迴響。

烤蕃茄 (附圖)

烤蕃茄 (西式百變肉食美饌 P.63)

Serves 6-8
Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 12-15 mins

橄欖油 45ml
大蕃茄 2 lb
蒜子 2瓣
番芫荽 2-3根
乾麵包糠 60g
鹽及胡椒 適量

1. 將焗爐加熱至190度。取一烤碟,塗上油。蕃茄切去果蒂,橫各切成一半。如有必要,可將蕃茄底部切去一薄片,使其能企立著。
2. 將廚師刀刀背放在蒜瓣上,用拳壓碎,去皮剁碎。將番芫荽與油攪拌。加鹽與胡椒調味。
3. 將切成一半的蕃茄擺\入備好的烤碟中,在切面上擺\上麵包糠與香料的混合物。送入焗爐中烤焗12-15 mins,至混合物焦黃,蕃茄變軟為止。

Posted in Vegetable | 烤蕃茄 (附圖) 已關閉迴響。

Summer fusilli salad

origin from City Super, italian food festival.

summer fusilli saland

ingredients : (serves 4)

200g fusilli (螺絲粉)
15 cherry tomatoes, cut into wedges
100g baked ham finely cubed
100g mozzarella balls
1/2 cups string beads, tipped and chopped into 2 lengths
2/3 tablespoon olive paste
8 leaves basil, cut into stripes
2 tablespoons extra virigin olive oil

how to cook?

1. briing a large pot of water to a boil, salt and cook the fusilli and string beads until al dente.
2. drain the fusilli, cool under running water and drain again.
3. in a large bowl, place the fusilli, tomatoes, ham, olive paste, olive oil, mozzarella and basil, tosee to mix. serve.

***i did not add string beans and olive paste;
i havent tried to make salad without salad souces; strongly recommended.

Posted in 西式食譜 | Summer fusilli salad 已關閉迴響。

Fresh Pasta

Fresh Pasta

Fresh Pasta
Submitted by: Holly

“If you can’t find frozen pasta sheets or prefer to make your own, here’s a recipe that’s virtually foolproof. Herbs and spices compatible with the dish can be kneaded into the dough toward the end. This recipe makes 1 1/2 pounds pasta."
Yields 6 servings.

6 cups all-purpose flour
6 eggs

1 Heap the flour, and make a well in it. Break the eggs into the well. Beat eggs with a fork. Stir into the flour from the bottom of the well with the fork until the dough in the center is smooth or shiny.

2 With your hands, gradually incorporate the flour from the outside of the well toward the center, kneading gently until the mass of dough comes together. Knead the dough until it is smooth and resilient. You may need to add more flour, or you may not be able to incorporate all of the flour, depending on the humidity and the size of the eggs. If the dough is sticky or extremely pliable, knead more flour into it.

3 Divide the dough into three portions, cover with plastic wrap or an overturned bowl, and allow to rest for at least 30 minutes.

4 Roll the dough out very thin on a lightly floured surface, one portion at a time. If you have a pasta machine, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for rolling out the dough into sheets about 1 millimeter thick. Use as desired.

Makes 6 servings

Basic Pasta recipes

Basic Pasta

Submitted by: Pat

“An easy recipe and simple to double or triple, depending on amount needed. Hope you enjoy!"
Yields 3 servings.

1 egg, beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons water


In a medium sized bowl, combine flour and salt. Make a well in the flour, add the slightly beaten egg, and mix. Mixture should form a stiff dough. If needed, stir in 1 to 2 tablespoons water.


On a lightly floured surface, knead dough for about 3 to 4 minutes. With a pasta machine or by hand roll dough out to desired thinness. Use machine or knife to cut into strips of desired width.
Makes 3 servings

Posted in 西式食譜 | Basic Pasta recipes 已關閉迴響。